My collection#15
Agfa Isoflash-Rapid C
Info from Camerapedia
The Agfa Isoflash-Rapid C was manufactured around 1966 by Agfa Camera-Werk in Munich, Germany. It was made for Agfa's own film system for 24×24mm exposures, the Rapid film cartridges. The two-cartridge system simplified film load. The new cartridge has to be layed into the camera with the film reaching the opening of a second cartridge which winds up the exposed film. Then the camera has to be closed and can be used after winding up for the first exposure.
The Isoflash-Rapid C was basically the Iso-Rapid C for distribution in the USA. It uses flashcubes. It has an Isitar f/8.2 lens in a Parator shutter with two speeds: “Sunny” (1/80 sec) and “Shade/Cloudy” (1/40 sec). For firing the flash cubes the camera does use a battery that is well hidden behind the baseplate.
Where can I buy a film for this camera please? :) Thankyou!
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