As the topic tells, this is the story on my quest for my Dream Lens. It started after the failed deal with the pre-owned
Tokina AT-X 28-80mm f/2.8 SD AF PRO lens' owner sometime two weeks ago. Prior to meeting him, I made my homeworks to know better about the lens specifications and forced me to read all the reviews I can possibly searched on internet. I was then sort of trying to convince myself that if the lens that I will see is in good condition, I will settle my mind and take it as if that is the fast, professional grade, high performing, best general purpose zoom Lens that I badly want. However, it doesn't turned out as what I want it to be. Although the lens appearance did pleased my eyes but to my disappointment the glasses had somehow infected with mild fungus. I was quite hesitant to accept the facts that I have to say NO. The Tokina have all the things I was looking for in a dream Lens apart from what I mentioned above but also fast, very solidly built and not overly priced. Too bad I have to reject with broken heart and that's how the passion to start searching my dream baby has somewhat developed.
Then, I started to think about Canon 'L' Lens. But the first thing that wanders my mind was, can I afford one? The only baby that came into my mind was
Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L. This is definitely the monster that I always drooling to own but the new one is
too expensive and can cost my wallet a bomb. As an alternative I decided to settle for its predecessor, the pre-owned
Canon EF 28-70mm f/2.8L. I admitted the facts that this lens has been quite long in the market thus to search for a good copy might lead to an almost impossible mission. However, I was so determined that I started to dig and scouting all the 'posts' in photography forums that talks about the baby especially the trading section. I was so confident that I might found some clue that can help my quests.
At last, my determination gets paid when I finally found two posts that relates to two individuals owning the Lens of which they made several posting about selling their gears except the 28-70 baby which I couldn't find they did. However, I was in doubt because all their posts was made several months back. To clear my findings, I started to investigate deeper in all their posts and I became more confident that the Lens is still in their hands. Nonetheless, I was quite uncertain to asked at first but then I convinced myself that I have nothing to loose for asking.
To my surprise, the two gentlemen replied my PM (Personal Message) in the forum to confirm that, yes, they still owns the lens and indeed the lens is still their most dearest baby. The first gentleman told me that he sold off all his gears due to in need of cash but still retain the Lens due to some sentimental value over that baby thus he can't make up his mind. However he conceded that my PM has somehow clear-up his mind in making decision to finally part with his dearest baby and asked me to make an offer of which I did, and he agreed! He also confessed that it was a tough decision for him but finally willing to let it go due to the passion he saw in me when I told him about how I find him in the quest for the lens of which is very similar to his, according to him.
The second gentleman has a slightly different story. He told me that he started to disposed all his gears except one body, one speedlite and his favourite Lens as he is pursuing his studies overseas therefore he need to lighten his luggage. In a laughter emoticon he asked me how much that I can offer. I replied him that he is just a few minutes late that I have already committed to the earlier gentleman. Anyway, we became FB mate now and I told him that I look forward to see his inspiring photos after he has settled down on the new land, abroad.
All in all, I just realized that this passion (in finding
my dream Lens) has somewhat shows some craziness that develops over time in me along the journey of my hobby in photography. It appears as an expensive hobby and some of the purchase I made look more as 'Want' rather than 'Need' but I always look at it from different perspective. To me, it was never an Extravaganza but rather an Investments instead.
Physical comparison: 24-70L vs. 28-70L
The 24-70L mounted to a Canon EOS 1D Mark III